Giving Thanks, With a Grateful Heart

I am thankful for so many people, so many things, that at times I’m quite overwhelmed.

At times I wish I could show my gratitude with the exuberance and whimsy of this cartoon:

(From the “Lunch” series by Christopher Rinehart. Used in hope of eventually getting permission.)

Alas, I am not as whimsical as I might wish to be.

But whether I am serious or silly, if I spent every minute of every day doing nothing but expressing thanks I suppose I could never run out of thanks to give — because each thought, each recollection, brings another and another to mind. And so I try to start and end each day with thanks for my family, my friends, my opportunities and achievements as well as my challenges, summed up in the simple, full-of-wonder phrase, “Thanks be to God.”

May you and yours feel blessed on this Thanksgiving Day, and every day.

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