I Won’t Add You to My Mailing List …

… but I’d like to.

R2D2 Mailbox
(“R2D2 Mailbox,” by JoshBerglund19, on Flickr under Creative Commons.)

I’ve been thinking of starting an occasional e-mailout about new stories or songs or other projects I’m working on, conventions I’m heading to, and suchlike miscellanea. If I had such a thing, a newsletter or other semi-regular outreach, would you like to be on the mailing list for it?

If so, let me know. Because I won’t add you to my mailing list, unless you want me to.

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6 Responses to I Won’t Add You to My Mailing List …

  1. Todd Sharp says:

    I have never know of or read a more literate blog! Please include me in this wealth of insight.

    • This comment’s pretty over the top, so I thought for a moment someone pretending to be you had put it up … but then I saw that you’d reposted the Veterans’ Day entry on your FB wall. Thanks!

  2. Guy Stewart says:

    Sign me up, too! (I hate it when I “stumble” across your name in a magazine! I’d LIKE to know where you’re publishing!)

  3. David O'Nan says:

    Sign me up…