Today is Epiphany, when we Christians celebrate the wise men visiting the infant Jesus.
An epiphany, in more general terms of course, is some sudden insight, some moment of revelation, some instant of burgeoning wisdom.
And sometimes, epiphanies suck.
(Image: “Epiphany,” by Beck3D, on DeviantArt under Creative Commons.)
Discovering unwanted, unimagined, heartbreaking facts, after which we can never return to that state of innocence, of blissful ignorance we previously enjoyed — those epiphanies can be soul-crushing. The pain, the bitterness, lingers.
Maybe on this day we can be more like the wise men, who saw a good sign and reckoned it for what it was, and then fitted out their caravan and sallied forth.
Hopefully what we find will bring more joy than pain, more happiness than hardship. And hopefully it will be enough to comfort us, and maybe to heal us, when unwanted epiphanies come our way.