Okay, technically Thursday has been the new Friday for a few years now when it’s Labor Day weekend in Atlanta! At least, it has at Dragon Con, one of the world’s biggest and best science fiction and fantasy conventions.
I missed Dragon Con last year, because I was in the midst of moving — I spent the weekend filling a shipping container with some of my worldly goods — so I’m going to make the best of being back! Here’s my schedule, unless something changes:
- 7:00 pm: Geeky Sea Shanties (Hyatt Hanover C/D/E)
- 11:30 am: Panel, “What is Filk?” (Hyatt Hanover F/G)
- 1:00 pm: Panel, “Filk & Cookies — Meet, Greet, Filk!” (Hyatt Hanover F/G)
- 2:30 pm: Panel, “Music of the Spheres: Using Music in SF” (Hyatt Embassy A/B)
- 12:00 pm: Baen Books Info & Author Signing Booth (Americas Mart) (until 2:00 pm)
- 2:30 pm: Baen Books Traveling Roadshow & Prize Patrol, with Toni Weisskopf et al (Hyatt International North)
- 5:30 pm: Group Sing: Dungeons & Dragons! (Hyatt Hanover C/D/E)
- 8:30 pm: Fans for Christ Worship Service (Hilton Crystal Ballroom)
- 11:00 am: Baen Books Info & Author Signing Booth (Americas Mart) (until 1:00 pm)
- 2:30 pm: Gray Rinehart (that’s me!) in Concert (Hyatt Hanover F/G) — with songs from Taking You Out to See the Stars, Distorted Vision, and Truths and Lies and Make-Believe
- 2:30 pm: Panel, “That Has Such People in It: The Unwritten Rules of SF” (Hyatt Embassy A/B)
- 9:00 am: Baen Books Info & Author Signing Booth (Americas Mart) (until 11:00 am)
As usual, when I’m not performing or working I’ll probably be attending concerts by my musical friends, or hanging out with my writerly friends or Baen Barflies. Or trying to catch a few winks of sleep!
If you’re at the con, I hope we get a chance to connect — but whatever you’re doing this weekend, I hope it goes well!
Related Items of Interest:
– Taking You Out to See the Stars is still my newest album, and still available on Bandcamp and streaming services like Spotify
– Here are The Gray Man’s Recommendations for Near-Future, Near-Space SF Novels
– Watch the music video of “Tauntauns to Glory“