Nothing like news of a meteor strike to put the day in perspective, eh? No matter how busy you are today, or what you happen to be going through, I hope you can take some time to enjoy yourself … but keep watching the skies!
As for me, today I need to review the galleys for my novelette, “What is a Warrior Without His Wounds?” and send any changes back to the good folks at Asimov’s Science Fiction. The story is scheduled to appear in their July issue. (As an aside, I’m thinking of donating my payment for the story to the Wounded Warrior Project. Do you think that would be appropriate?)

Today is also the LAST DAY to nominate for the Nebula Awards, so I need to do that, too. Over the past few weeks I’ve read a LOT of terrific short fiction, which makes it hard to decide what to nominate. Guess I’d better get to it.

Finally, in the “upcoming events” category, next week I’ll be at MystiCon in Roanoke, Virginia, where I will play a concert (yes, really), moderate some panels, and generally make a nuisance of myself. My schedule looks like this:
Friday, 22 February
- 5 p.m., A Musical Hour with Gray Rinehart
- 6 p.m., Writing Space Battles (I’m moderating this panel)
- 10 p.m., Koffee Klatch … Reading with Peter Prellwitz
Saturday, 23 February
- 1 p.m., Grasping for the Stars (moderator)
- 2 p.m., How Military Technology is Catching Up with Military SF Tech (again, moderator)
- 4 p.m., The Baen Traveling Road Show
- 8 p.m., Remembering Uncle Orson’s Literary Boot Camp
Sunday, 24 February
- 9 a.m., Worship Service
- 12 p.m., No Shirt, No Shoes, No Entry — Business Etiquette
So, as long as we don’t get smashed by rocks falling from space, it should be a good time!
