I got this from my old college buddy David O’Nan, and am posting it everywhere in hopes that at least one or two more folks will participate. (I even cross-posted it on the Space Warfare Forum, and I’ll be putting it on Twitter later.)
The Space Studies Board and the Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board of the National Academies (of Sciences, Engineering, etc.) have requested public input on the “Rationale and Goals of the U.S. Civil Space Program.” The deadline for submitting your opinion is January 30th.
The “Statement of Task” for the joint study is on this page:
An ad hoc committee will prepare a report to advise the nation on key goals and critical issues in 21st century U.S. civil space policy. The committee will identify overarching goals that are important for our national interest…. Using its best objective judgment and recognizing other national priorities, the committee will explore a possible long term future for U.S. civil space activities that is built upon lessons learned and past successes; is based on realistic expectations of future resources; and is credible scientifically, technically, and politically.
Here’s the link to the actual questionnaire, which invites you to consider
– What should be the rationale and goals for the civil space program?
– How can the civil space program address key national issues?
Inputs are limited to 600 words (I’m still formulating mine). I hope every space enthusiast will take this opportunity to tell the study group what direction they think the civil space program should go.