Next weekend (24-6 February) I’ll be in Roanoke, Virginia, for the MystiCon science fiction and fantasy convention. This year one of our most highly-esteemed authors, David Weber, is the Literary Guest of Honor!
If you’re at the convention, here’s where you’ll find me:
- 5 p.m. in Dogwood 1 — “Where No TV Show Has Gone Before,” a panel that has something to do with, as one Big Bang Theory character has it, some “Star War Trek thing”
- 10 p.m. in Dogwood 1 — “The Eye of Argon,” a dramatic presentation of an infamous fantasy story
- 10 a.m. in the Main Hallway — signing (and selling!) copies of Distorted Vision, Truths and Lies and Make-Believe, and possibly other things
- 11 a.m. in Room 533 — “Face to Face Slushpile,” a workshop that folks liked so much last time that they put it back on the schedule again … we’ll see if I make anyone cry this year
- 2 p.m. in Ballroom C — Baen Books Traveling Road Show, where we show folks what’s coming out in the near future and give away some free books!
- 7 p.m. in Room 533 — reading something, and maybe singing … who knows?
- 9 a.m. in the Vista Room — Non-Denominational Service
MystiCon is a nice little convention, and always a lot of fun — hope to see you there!