The “brainstorming” phase has begun for the annual Pegasus Awards for Excellence in Filking — i.e., writing and performing music often related to science fiction and fantasy. Anyone who has an interest in filk is considered part of the “filk community” and can contribute to brainstorming possible nominees, as well as nominate and vote for winners.
(Pegasus Award Logo.)
Pegasus Awards are given out in four permanent categories, as well as two categories which rotate from year-to-year:
- Best Filk Song — any filk song that has not previously won a Pegasus
- Best Classic Filk Song — any well-known filk song at least 10 years old that has “entered filk community public consciousness”
- Best Performer — any filk performer who has not won in the past 5 years
- Best Writer/Composer — any writer/composer of filk songs who has not won in the past 5 years
- 2016 Rotating Category: Best Adapted Song — which can include adapting or parodying a mundane song or a filk song, but can also mean adapting a poem or book
- 2016 Rotating Category: Best Exploration Song — which includes songs about “finding out what’s Out There“
If you’re not sure whether you’re really eligible to submit brainstorming ideas, the award by-laws define “exhibiting interest” using examples such as filking at SF&F conventions, attending filk conventions or “house sings,” taking part in related on-line forums, and just “discussing filk and filk related issues with other filkers.” So, if you made it this far in this post, you can probably claim to have exhibited interest and therefore would be qualified to participate in the Pegasus Award process.
If you have some favorites you’d like to suggest (and you can suggest as many as you can think of), fill out the Brainstorming Poll Form. There is space on the form for five suggestions in each category, but you’re allowed to fill out as many brainstorming forms as you like!
The nomination phase will start in the spring, and voting takes place in the late summer. The Pegasus Awards are awarded at (and administered by) the Ohio Valley Filk Fest in October.
So, start brainstorming! (And let me know if you need some suggestions….)