I spent the last few days of 2011 in Myrtle Beach, finishing several projects that I’d left undone through the year. Now, it seems appropriate to start 2012 with a “year in review” post.
Happy New Year 2012! by Creativity103, on Flickr
My biggest news of 2011 was having “Therapeutic Mathematics and the Physics of Curve Balls” published in the September 2011 issue of Analog Science Fiction & Fact.
In other 2011 news, I got involved in filk, which is fannish folk singing — i.e., writing and performing folk songs with a science fiction or fantasy focus. A few of my meager efforts are now on YouTube, and they’ve generally been well-received … especially “The Monster Hunter Ballad”.
As for the goals I set myself in 2011, I had mixed results:
- I continued searching, though not very diligently, for a willing publisher for my novel. It’s still on the waiting list at a couple of houses.
- I did not begin a new novel.
- I completed four short stories, and revised a couple of old “flash fiction” pieces along the way.
- I maintained this blog and my web site, including my series of occasional “space history” items.
- I revised one of my unpublished nonfiction manuscripts.
- I kept my Baen Books job, and succeeded in eliminating the backlog of electronic slush (with the exception of a goodly number of better submissions held for special review). In addition, one of my recommendations was contracted for publication.
- I kept my NC State job, in which I still primarily write for the IES Executive Director.
- I continued to plan and present praise and worship at North Cary Baptist Church.
- I completed my term of service on the Town of Cary Public Art Advisory Board.
In general, in 2011 I tried to achieve an overall goal of “less pressure, more fun.” Unfortunately, the daily/weekly/monthly grind of juggling multiple jobs, various church functions, and other responsibilities made that a bit difficult. In the end, while I didn’t exactly fail at it, I certainly didn’t succeed … so I call it even.
And now I suppose I should put together some goals for 2012.
Hope your old year was good and your new year is better!