Occasionally, on days like today, I get the urge to express myself — an urge that often manifests in verse of questionable quality (though sometimes also in blog posts of questionable quality).
Here’s today’s offering:
You are more of a hero than I will ever be
You stood your post and did your most so that others could be free
Or ran into the danger when you could’ve run away
Just the sort of hero that we need with us todayRest in peace, all of you who paid the greatest price
Rest in peace, and may you feel our gratitude in paradise
Rest in peace that you yourself never lived to see
Rest in peace, more hero than I will ever be
(Image: “Tomb of the Unknowns,” by Tony Fischer, on Flickr under Creative Commons.)
For comparison, here’s one I wrote five years ago and posted, like many of my little semi-poetic musings, on Facebook:
To the Heroes Looking Down on This Memorial (28 May 2018, Memorial Day)
Can you feel some of the gratitude I have for you,
And all you did to secure this life for me?
Can you hear me simply saying, “Thank you,”
For all you gave to the cause of liberty?Can you see the tears I shed because I miss you
And wish you had not fallen in the fray?
Can I ever truly show how much I owe you,
Unless I keep your memory alive today?Can one day on the calendar suffice to
Plumb the depths of the thankfulness I feel?
Can I count the cost of the living debt I carry
And pay it forward though I’m always in arrears?All I do today is salute your mighty sacrifice
And raise my glass to you, until we meet in paradise.
It’s not much to offer, I admit, but it’s all I have.
May your Memorial Day be peaceful, and may we always remember those to whom we owe our freedom.

Good stuff, Gray. God bless you.
Thank-you kindly! Blessings to you, too.