Wife Injured; Playing Nursemaid For Awhile

My lovely bride took a tumble this morning in her classroom; she called me from Urgent Care, and I got there in time to help her back to X-ray. Turns out she cracked two ribs, so she’s in a good deal of pain right now and I’m doing my best to help her around and fetch and carry what she needs (like ice packs).

I’ll still post on the blog from time to time, but I don’t expect to do a lot of writing in the next little while. Priorities, you know?

I’m just glad that the University folks let me work from home when I have to … and of course I can do my reading for Baen from almost anywhere.

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0 Responses to Wife Injured; Playing Nursemaid For Awhile

  1. Gray Rinehart says:

    Thanks, Cat! I appreciate the support.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Sounds to me like your priorities are in the right place, Gray! Spouses are valuable, precious things that should be well looked after. 🙂 -Cat R.