Sometimes a Blog Post is Like a Tree Falling in the Forest

Most of the time I think of these blog posts as trees falling in forests.

Fallen Trunk
(“Fallen Trunk,” by edenpictures, on Flickr, under Creative Commons.)

And most of the time those forests are devoid of other life to hear the trees falling.

But still the trees fall.

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4 Responses to Sometimes a Blog Post is Like a Tree Falling in the Forest

  1. Guy Stewart says:

    I’d be personally crushed if the point of my blog is for me to “be heard”. While I LOVE comments; I LOVE making people think and taking the time to respond; my purpose has always been to FORCE ME TO WRITE A BUNCH OF THINGS. In my blog, I rotate:

    Ideas on TUESDAYS — throwing out some idea/plot along with international names that I can mine later!

    Free Fiction on THURSDAYS — stole this idea from Kristine Kathryn Rusch; this forces me to work on new novels and experiment with ideas. I later revise A LOT and then send out the story.

    On SUNDAY, I rotate POSSIBLY IRRITATING ESSAYS (long ones); Slice of PIE (a shorter essay); WRITING ADVICE (I glean wisdom form published writers and then comment on what kind of influence it had on me).

    SATURDAYS I blog on my experiences as the husband of a wife on the journey from an initial diagnosis of breast cancer. I rotate through subjects there as well — and I’m writing a sort of “Breast Cancer FANTASTIC VOYAGE” there.

    WEDNESDAYS I Tweet a really, really short bit of Writing Advice.

    Anyway — my blog is to force me to generate ideas and WRITE (and acts as story research as well). If others read it (which they DO, though very few people comment any more), then that’s cool.

    I’m sort of waiting to see what happens to the number of visitors I get when my first books is published.

    (About six months ago, I added a linked blog where I offered free published stories as well as worksheets for my “kid’s” articles or worksheets.)

    Anyway — I READ your posts whenever they go up. I just don’t comment often.

    Keep on writing, though! Your stuff is GOOD!

    • Guy, you are so organized and systematic … it makes me sick! 😉

      Seriously, though, I’m impressed by how disciplined you are with your blogging.

      Keep up the good work!

  2. Bud Sparhawk says:

    All too true. They might get read but few comment or otherwise indicate that they acknowledge the thesis.