MystiCon Report

Last weekend I returned to MystiCon in Roanoke, Virginia, and had a splendid — and at one point scary — time.

The splendid part was spending concentrated time with several of my writing friends. I had a couple of long conversations with Genre Princess Alethea Kontis, in which we commiserated about not being able to set aside sufficient time to do our own writing. (Everyone should make note of the fact that Lee’s book, Enchanted, is coming out in just a couple of months!)

I also had pleasant conversations with many other fine folks, including Gail Z. Martin, whose outlook on the current state of publishing was quite refreshing; Allen Wold, who graciously allowed me to serve again as a panelist in his writing workshop; David Halperin, whose insights during the “UFO Investigations” panel meant that I didn’t have to say much; and Danny Birt, who was kind enough to include me in a supper outing.

The scary part was finding out on Sunday morning that I’d slept through the hotel fire alarm the previous night. Not good! Had it been an actual fire, I might not be typing this blog post … and what a loss that would be. Ha!

All in all, a good time — and now, on to StellarCon!

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