The Space Warfare Forum

Jumping Off Point for the Final Frontier

The GrayMan Forum, featuring the Space Warfare Forum, grew out of roundtable discussions Gray started with fellow USAF officer and 4th Space Ops Squadron member Mike Lutton back in 1996 or so. Gray and Mike invited fellow members of 4 SOPS to brown-bag lunches at which they discussed various military and political topics. In 1998, after Gray left for another assignment, they carried on conversations and debates by e-mail and slowly added people to the group. The e-mail discussions continued for several years, but the lengthy e-mails got unwieldy. As a result, Gray built the on-line forum and invited all comers.

The old e-mail based group discussed such issues as

and eventually produced an article, "Toward Space War," which was published in the Air Force Space Command professional journal, High Frontier.

The Space Warfare Forum Today

In its first iteration, The Space Warfare Forum grew to over 100 members, but since most of them were busy with active duty responsibilities, it struggled to survive. A "spam" e-mail attack the summer Gray retired -- and which we didn't catch because our computer was packed for shipping -- soured a number of folks on the experience. In February 2008, however, we migrated to a new server and installed new software for the forum, and continued to maintain it for another five years.

In February 2013, having failed to revive the venture, we discontinued the Space Warfare Forum. It may exist in some archived form, somewhere on the web, but we are no longer maintaining it and have no plans to resurrect it.



Page last updated in March 2013